about Ladislav Prokop
personal data
- name: Ladislav Prokop
- born: 1973 in Czech Republic
- 1992 – 1994 a diploma from Technical college – for musical instruments - Kraslice
- 1995 - 1996 a diploma from Violin making school - Luby

work experience
- 1990 – 1992 - in Chrudim – first studied the family tradition of violinmaking (which dates back to 1777) with my grandfather, Ladislav Prokop.
- 1995 - 1997 - in Kraslice - I worked with Master Craftsman Vladimír Čech, constructing new instruments for export worldwide. The main clients were from Germany, the United States and Japan.
- 1997 – 2005 - in Prague – I worked in the Prague workshop of Master Craftsman Jan Sokol focusing on restoration. Jan Sokol's workshop has been patronized by many notable musicians from the Czech republic and beyond. Amongst others, he had the opportunity to work for Josef Suk, Pavel Šporcl, Dalibor Bárta and the Wihan Quartet.
- 2005 - 2011 - in London - I joined the Frederick Phelps company as the senior restorer. I worked with Master Craftsman Mila Strnad and gained first hand experience of working on instruments made by Pietro Guarneri, Gagliano, Testore, H.Amati as well as violin bows made by the French masters, for some of the world's foremost soloists such as Midori.
- summer 2009 - in Manchester, Michigan, USA – I completed the Acoustical Technology Training in the workshop of Master Craftsman Keith Hill. There, I learned about his revolutionary new way to apply acoustic principles to violinmaking. Now I make my own instruments, incorporating my deep knowledge of the classical tradition of violinmaking with the new approach involving the acoustic principles and application techniques learned from Keith Hill.
- since 2012 – London – I have been working in my own workshop. I build a new instruments. With the acoustic technology I am able to easily create wonderful sounding Violins, Violas and Violoncellos, as befits the requirements of the most demanding customers.